jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

Are you ready for taking one of the most important exams of your life?

Dealing with exams is an ordinary task in every student life.  No one can avoid that uncomfortable feeling when you get to know the exact date that your teacher has assigned for that propose, and that feeling worsen when you are taking an admission exam or an international certification exam.

Truth is, you should not be worrying that much about it. If you do so, you will likely fail the exam due to the stress: no one can concentrate while paying attention to physical pain or stress. You should try focusing on your exam instead. Some experts state that the candidate must be relaxed: sleeping well and eating properly one or two weeks before that deadly date is a must. Doing some physical exercise will not hurt either.

In order to be well prepared, it is highly recommended taking a specific preparation course. Solving mocking exams also gets you used to the dynamics of the exam: better the devil you know than the devil you don't. Experience tells us that the candidate should stop studying one day before the exam: what you have learnt is already in your mind. Do not try to be so fancy or using words you barely know, let's keep it safe, ok?

Get your tools ready in your backpack in the eve on the exam. Be conscious about the weather: prevent a possible catastrophe! Not planning beforehand your activities and tools might provoke you an important delay on that day.

Other matter you must avoid at all costs is eating spicy or greasy food, you really do not want to try this, trust me. That pain in the stomach is very distracting, not only for yourself but the whole audience. You will not take the exam alone, remember that.

If you follow these simple suggestions, you will not have to worry about anything but the content of the exam.... and what would happen in the worse possible scenario? It will not bring the end of the world, is it? We all have always a second chance, but it surely hurt our self-esteem. If that happens, you should try to remember in which part of the exam you think you went wrong and solve more of these kind of problems.

If you liked my article, share it with your friends or someone who will take an important exam soon and follow me on twitter@jckrls4688!

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