Lately, I have been working in a Travel Agency. It has been six months in which I have learned several matters regarding the real work that an agent does and not any agent, an educational one.
Working in a Travel Agency.
My work consists in receiving the candidates’ formats to apply to a High School abroad, I check them and if they are correct I send them to a representative of the school the student is applying. After those applications have been accepted by the School Board, I receive the Statements or Invoices. I ask the sellers to ask the parents to pay the invoice and then send the money to that school.
My job might sound easy, and basically it is. The problems arises when the issues come out. Some of the students have issues with their accommodation, others have them while studying and others simply with the kind of food the family provides. I like my job since I deal with all kind of problems mostly in English, but it sometimes can be in Spanish, my native language, or even in French.
The rewards while working as an Agent.
Working as an agent can be rewarding when the Family trips are offered to you (who represents the agency) and you are able to enjoy several days spending time in getting to know the place you are promoting, in this case a city or a school. Unfortunately you cannot have your vacations in specific months due to the fact that is “red season” which means that there are more clients in those dates.
I encourage to everyone who wants to try this kind of experience. You get to know people form around the world who have traveled abroad and the most important thing is that you can practise English because every important material has to be written in the International Language so both sides –the agency and the school– can be able to understand it.